Lake Travis Level 640′ – Aerial Photos
Here are some aerial photographs of marina facilities with the Lake Travis water level at 640′ above Mean Sea Level (MSL). Briarcliff Marina, Commander’s Point, Hurst Harbor, Lakeway Marina and Rough Hollow are particularly vulnerable to variations in this level. This is primarily due to their locations on narrow creeks or shallow inlets.
West Beach Marina (512) 266-2277
17317 West Beach Road – Austin TX 78734
Other Marinas at Low Lake Travis Water Levels
As you can see, many Lake Travis marinas have challenges keeping their docks and boat slips in the water when the lake is down. When the water recedes, most of these creeks and inlets are high and dry. And it’s a long steep walk from the parking lot to the boat slips.

Commanders Point Marina

Hurst Harbor Marina

Lakeway Marina

Lake Travis Marina
Managing with Low Lake Travis Water Levels
When the water level goes below 670′, many marinas and boat clubs are hard pressed to keep their docks and boat slips in the water. Some of them have to push their docks way out into the main body of the lake. Where they are disconnected from the shore and require shuttle boats for access to the slips. And disconnected from water and electricity. Other marine facilities have to resort to steep paths or ramps between the parking lot and your boat. You and your guests might not enjoy hauling gear up and down this long steep path as the start to your fun day of boating on Lake Travis!
So when you’re looking for a place to dock your boat or PWC on Lake Travis, be sure to consider the following – for times when the water is down to 640′ or below:

West Beach Marina
Location and route to your dock.
Water depth at your slip.
Parking proximity to your boat.
Distance and path to deep water.
Ability to launch/haul the boat.
Choose a marina that can handle a low Lake Travis water level!
Special deals for new members — Call us today!
West Beach Marina (512) 266-2277 17317 West Beach Road – Austin TX 78734